Tips for Traveling during the Pandemic

My husband and I are frequent travellers, so having a global pandemic that basically stopped us from doing so, was all but earth shattering. We had a few trips planned, included an exciting trip to Morocco, that all got cancelled. About 2 months after the pandemic started, we got that itch to travel again, that we just needed to scratch.

We took an opportunity to help out family in Las Vegas as our ticket out of quarantine (pun intended) . So in Mid-May, we took as much precaution as possible, and boarded our first plane since the pandemic started. I actually vlogged most of the travel experience (coming soon to my YouTube Channel) but wanted to give you guys some tips that helped us while traveling during the pandemic.

Give yourself even more time
We’re suppose to arrive to the airport within 2-3hrs of your flight depending on whether your flying domestic or international but now you should allow even more time. Even though there aren’t as many people traveling things are moving a lot slower at the airport in an attempt to keep everything clean and sanitized for the next person.

Bring Extra masks
It is mandatory to wear mask in certain airports and airlines so you need to make sure to bring extra just incase something happens to your primary one.

Eat before you get to the Airport
I would advise to try to eat a full meal at home before your trip. When we travelled many airport restaurants were closed and if they were open, lines were so long because of the extra precautions mentioned above. It also a good idea to eat at home because you limit the amount of time you will have to have your mask off and possible be exposed.

Pack cleaning supplies in your carryon or personal item
Honestly this is something I do while not traveling but it is definitely recommended to bring wipes, hand sanitizer and other cleaning and sanitizing supplies with you in you carry on or personal item. We wiped down everything, Naomi Campbell style, when we traveled.

Please remember social distancing
I know we’re all in a “rush” to embark or debark the plan but please remember that you should still be trying to social distance. That means no standing two inches behind the person in front of you trying to get off the plane.

Outfit Details:
Whowhatwear Dress
Bag from Bali
Apple Watch
Brother Vellies Sandals (old) (similar here and here)
Gucci Sunglasses

I hope you picked up something from these tips for traveling during the pandemic. What do you feel about traveling right now? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.


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