Fitness Fashion

So now that the holidays are over and we are now into the second week of 2012 everyone is probably frantically trying to lose that turkey-mashed potato-mac and cheese-pumpkin pie weight and I am too. As i do my nightly workouts at the gym, I’ve notice that some of you ladies are rocking the big baggy sweat pants and large t-shirts combo. Some say its not about what your wearing but I say that’s wrong. When you look good, you feel good and when you feel good that can be a great motivation to workout harder to look even better. Not only does wearing proper gym attire make you look good but it also helps keep you cool and comfortable while working out. Here are some suggestions for some cute gym wear that will have you looking and feeling better as you shed those lbs.

So one place that specialize in sexy is Victoria Secret and they carry a great selection of athletic wear that will have you feeling like and angel.

 Get this look here

 Get this look here

Get this look here

 If you don’t know by now I LOVE Nordstrom, they just have everything including very cute

 Get this look here

 Get the look here

Get the look here

For more gym wear option check out the following links:

Victoria’s Secret  


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