Being at home during this quarantine has given me that itch. What itch am I referring to you ask? Well, the home decor itch. Like many of you, being at home so much encouraged me to start improving my space in ways that I have been neglecting for far too long. This post is to show you what I got and encourage you to make some small improvement to your own space, if you can. Here are the 5 Home Decor Items I’ve bought while in quarantine.
I’ve always been a huge fan of having fresh flowers in my home to brighten up the space. Now more than ever, its important to me to have things that bring joy and beauty in my space. Any time I go out to get groceries I make sure to grab a bouquet or two. Flowers are also a super inexpensive way to liven your space.

I am obsessed with candles! I told my husband that when we get a big penthouse, that we need a candle closet a la Tan France. We usually buy our candles from places like TJmaxx and Marshalls but now that those types of places are closed, I’ve replenished my stash with some from Amazon and H&M home.

House Plants
We essentially live in a jungle already. We have about 30 house plants right now but I have added a few more to the family because they truly bring life to a space, both literally and figuratively. I am a firm believer in any home having at least 1 or 2 or 10 plants. If you’re looking at adding a few to your home check out my amazon list of live plants that can be delivered right to your door.

If my home is lacking in anything, its art. This is particularly unnerving to me because I am a huge art lover. Being at home has made me truly notice my lack of art. I have ordered a few pieces to be come a real adult and add some more art to some of these bare walls.

With a new puppy, we have had quite a few accidents on our old rugs. With all this wear and tear on the rugs that we’ve had for a few years, it was time to add some new ones to our space. So far we’ve replaced 4 rugs including these two that just came in. Here’s hoping they don’t end up being pee pee pads.

I hope you enjoyed reading about the 5 Home Decor Items I’ve bought while in quarantine. I would love hear what, if anything, you have bought to liven up you space in the comments.