Snake Skin

Hello all, hope you enjoyed your weekend. I did a lot of shopping and a lot of eating which I will be paying for today in the gym. With that being said I think I will be doing a new video on my Youtube channel. Oh you didn’t know I had a Youtube channel? Well I do, I only have 1 video right now and it was my first one so it’s kinda funky but I do want to do more and do anticipate better quality. You can check out my first video and my future video’s, under the video tab above.

Ok now to my outfit. It has gotten so cold here in the DC area and I don’t like it. I am a “cold blooded” person so if the weather is anything under 75 degrees I am freezing, so this 50 degree weather and I are not getting along. But any who, I’m trying my best to get these pictures taken with minimal teeth chattering but as you can see, a picture of me shivering did get taken.
Ok so I have to gush about this super fab coat I got at H&M this weekend (I know, I couldn’t wait to wear it). It was only $20 on sale! It was originally $65 so it was a pretty great deal. I find myself being quite the thrifty shopper these days (which usually isn’ t the case). I must say that the responsibilities of adulthood may have a bit to do with it. Any way I have a few pounds of Mac and Cheese to burn off so I’ll see you later.

Coat: H&M
Cardigan: NY&Co (similar here)
Skirt: H&M (Love this one)
Tight: via Marshalls
Boot: Nine West (Very similar here)
Bracelets: Vintage



  1. November 26, 2012 / 3:58 pm

    Love that new coat! I can’t believe you got it for 20$, we def need to go thrifting again soon 🙂

  2. November 26, 2012 / 8:56 pm

    Fabulous, you look absolutely gorgeous 🙂 love it all!!!;)

  3. December 3, 2012 / 5:25 pm

    That coat is a terrific bargain! Love your outfit, even if you were a bit chilly 🙂

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