End of Summer 2024 Bucket List

It’s so crazy to think that we are in August, the latter part of the year, and almost the end of Summer. To say that this Summer has been good for me would be an understatement. I’ve traveled to new places, Peru, and more familiar places, France and Italy. I had an amazing birthday and have been enjoying tons of…
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Summer Bucketlist 2023

Believe it or not we are half way through 2023. I’m not sure where the time have gone but I know this year needs to slow down. With what have felt like a sudo-Spring, with cooler temps and wild fire smoke, I am ready to finally get into some of the fun activities that New York has to offer before…
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The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide

One thing about me is that I am a huge holiday fanatic. Every year since I was a little girl I’ve been obsessed with the holiday season. Getting to spend time with family and friends, eating great food, seeing Christmas lights and trees, and my favorite part, shopping for gifts for everyone, all of it is pure joy! I’m sort…
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Fall Bucket list 2022

We are very close to the end of Summer and I have a very bitter sweet feeling about it. On one hand, I love the warm weather, long days and busy summer streets. On the other hand, I can’t wait for brisk and cozy days, pumpkin spice everything and (of course) fall fashion. This is already slated to be a…
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Spring Bucket List

The days are getting longer, the weather is getting consistently warmer and Spring is finally springing. The Spring always brings a renewed sense of wonder in me and with that a (long) list of bucket list items I’d like to accomplish.  I’m so excited for the consistent warm temps and super sunny days. It’s crazy to think that this time…
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