5 things you should do to start the year off right

We are already just shy of a week into the year. How are your resolutions going so far? I hope you’re sticking to them and doing well. I know you probably have a lot on your plate right now by trying to reach your goals for the year but I wanted to share 5 thing you should do to start this year off right. These 5 things are things that typically get forgotten for more “important” goals but I think they are just as important and just a crucial to your success this year.

  1. Plan a get away or two (or three)- Plan those trips! Look at your calendar and plan at least one get away for the year. I know that we are all on different levels financially and taking a trip may seem really hard for some, but with early planning, a little saving and a bit of will power, you can make even a small weekend trip happen.
    Everyone needs the time away to enjoy life and leave the stresses of work behind. I am a firm believer in travel and think that you deserve at least one trip.
  2. Schedule your annual doctors and dentist appointments
    Please don’t wait until something breaks down or you have an illness to see your doctors and dentist. Proactivity is the best form of prevention, so please take time this week to schedule appointment with all of your important doctors (pcp, gynecologist, chiropractor, dermatologist, dentist… etc)
  3. Check your credit score (for free)-
    In order to improve your finances , which a lot of people usually have as a goal for the year (including myself), its important to have a base line. Finding out where you stand credit wise is a great place to start your financial success journey. Even if you don’t need credit cards, credit is still very important. Most landlord check your credit to see if you are worthy of renting to. You need credit to buy a house, a car, get loans for businesses and even getting a job.
    You can check your credit score from all 3 credit bureaus for free at Freecreditreport.com, so there is no excuse in getting this done asap.
  4. Make a financial plan-
    So we just talk about the credit piece and that is very important but just as important as credit, is your entire financial picture. Creating a financial plan for the year can help you reach your financial goals that much quicker and keep you on track for the things you want to accomplish. If you don’t know where to start when creating a financial plan for yourself or you and your partner, heres an article that can help.
    You may also want to look into getting a financial planner. That’s what my husband and I did this year. We found an advisor, through Thefinancialgym.com , who can help us better plan out our finances and goals and keeps us accountable.
  5. Organize and declutter your space-
    You may be thinking that you usually do a big cleaning and declutter around the spring but right now is actually a far better time to do it. Its usually a slower time at work and because it’s cold outside, we tend to go out less. It such a great feeling to have a clean and organized house going into the new year. Apartment therapy has a great, no pressure, guide on cleaning and decluttering your space. The way they break the tasks up makes it feel a lot less daunting and by the end of January you should have a much cleaner and organized space.

I hope you all got some insight from these 5 things you should do to start the year off right. I would love to hear your feedback and plans in the comments.

Outfit details: H&M Top, Vintage Blazer (similar here and here), Levis Jeans, Sunglass spot sunglasses, Passion Planner, Aldo bag, Marc Fisher booties


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